Without realizing it, the years pass. Without realizing it, we change and become different people, for better or worse. Without realizing it, big things happen and we wake up amazed that our paths have lead us where we are.
I'm in Israel, if you hadn't realized. My world is 4 beautiful children who I've fallen in love with, an amazing family who have taught me more about the Lord and living in faith and graciousness and hospitality and having a Christ-centered marriage than I ever imagined I could have learned. My world is kosher falafels and crowded Arab markets and bargaining and conservative clothing. My world is ignoring any man that talks to me and craving people to connect with and, when I do connect, trying not to bore everyone with my stories of the kids. My world is constantly growing and learning and gaining new understanding.

This past weekend, I was baptized at East Jerusalem Baptist Church by my current employer, Sam Fiore.
Here's how it kind of came about (sorry if I already sent this to you in an email):
In the past few months, the issue of Baptism has come up a lot. It was all in random discussions and random sermons, but it happened so frequently, that I wanted to sit down and give some thought to what I believed about it all. I don't really care about different churches theologies, I just wanted to read the scripture and listen for the Holy Spirit and search out what would please God.
So, I did. And I got nothing. I asked people's opinions and felt semi-judged in different ways. Some people told me it wasn't an important enough issue to put so much concern into. And some were surprised that I hadn't been baptized as an adult believer. But, for me, like I said, it wasn't about theology or feeling like I wasn't already saved or doing something just to cover my bases, I truly just wanted to search out what I thought would please God.

I talked a lot with Michelle about it too, and she was always very supportive of my concerns. She is great to talk things through with because she doesn't let her personal beliefs get in the way of the Spirit. We had just talked one morning & I had ended up getting really frustrated because I just wanted an answer. I wanted to hear something definite. I wanted to feel assured, one way or the other, about what would honor God. And I finally just gave up. I decided that I would stop worrying about it, that if God wanted to convict me to get baptized as an adult, that whenever he did, I would be willing. I have been open to his calling and I will try to continue to be. So, as I was writing this in my journal and eating some Ben & Jerry's Dublin Mudslide ice cream, I heard from God.
The Spirit asked: "Do you think getting baptized will please God."
And I said: "yes"
And he said: "then why are you fighting it? what is keeping you from being baptized?"
And I said: "nothing, I am going to do it."
So, I did it. Here is Jerusalem. It was really hard to find a place to be baptized because everyone goes to the Jordan to be baptized and so no one has a baptismal. I wanted it to be easy. I wanted everyone to be able to come and for it to just be a sweet celebration of love for the Lord. I was willing to settle for a bathtub at Jerusalem University, but, we finally found a church with a baptismal. So, this past Sunday night, we invited everyone we knew in Jerusalem to come to the church to watch my baptism. Emily was here, so she got to be with me as I picked out songs I wanted to sing and I practiced sharing my testimony to her (I'll have you know we cried every time I told it). It was such sweet time, planning and praying and talking and singing through the hymns we wanted and baking cookies for the reception. So, the night came and there were so many people there! I was overwhelmed. I looked around and there were 40-50 people all there to share this with me. I was amazed that I had built up that kind of community in just a month and a half. AMAZED. There were even a few guys there who had just heard that a young woman was going to be baptized, so they showed up. It was unreal. And when all the JUC students came in in a huge group, my heart was so full. Things like this don't just happen. People don't come to a random country and make friends like this.

So, I was overwhelmed by the Spirit and overwhelmed by the people who had come to support me and overwhelmed by how the Lord had been gradually bringing me to this point. He had taken me to the wilderness and spoken softly to me until I called him "My Husband" (Hosea 2:16). He betrothed me to Him forever, and I know Him (Hosea 2:19,20).
Emily was supposed to read this verse while I went to the back of the church on my way to the baptismal, but no one was paying attention, so I will write it out here:
"But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that being justified by his grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life."
Titus 3:4-7