I got back to America 3 days ago. I didn't realize restarting my life would be so hectic and chaotic, but it has also been full of blessings. I have a place to live, I have a job where I can make money to pay for school and living. I have helped mom put up the tree, I have gotten my teeth cleaned, I have gotten my phone reactivated, I even got to see my best friend's wedding dress! Being home is overwhelming and exciting and scary. It's odd to have found a place to live and a full time job and think to myself that I am now in Atlanta indefinitely. My mind doesn't really know how to handle that. I guess it's hard to stop the sort of momentum that I had. But also, I want to remember this feeling. Sometimes it feels so important for me to have a career and security, but all the security I need is in the Lord. Seriously, He had me covered in Geneva, in Jerusalem, and then I have a job and a house 2 days after I get back in America? Someone is taking care of me, and it definitely isn't my own planning skills.

But before I unravel all of the emotions of being home, I want to talk about my last days in Jerusalem and Geneva.
Jerusalem was hectic. Lydia was sick and throwing up on me, and I just couldn't get my mind around leaving and not seeing them soon after. I have left for long weekends before, and that is what it felt like. My heart still hasn't grasped what the distance means. I think I am avoiding feeling those feelings because there is so much here that needs my immediate attention. I don't have the brain capacity to cry over missing their unconditional love in my life. But they are tied to my heart like they are my kin. I hope and pray for their futures and I dream of seeing them again soon.

When I left the Fiores last Friday (just over a week ago), I went to Geneva for a few days. One guy from Jerusalem University came with me so he could experience Europe. And then a friend who is stationed up in Bamberg came down to visit me. I don't think I ever realized how much I had grown to love that city/country. It's beauty has infiltrated its way into my heart. It is now one of my homes and a place where I feel safe and loved. I spent one day with the guys going up to Montreux where there was a huge Christmas market and we went to Chateau Chillon. Then Sunday we spend the whole day with my amazing friends The Trumpers. It was a perfect day, filled with laughter, long walks, mulled wine, sitting by the fireplace, and eating ham & cheese together (so not kosher!). I felt so blessed to have the Trumpers in my life. They also have a place in my heart, they hold a cord drawing me back to Geneva. I got to see a lot of people while I was in Geneva, but I think the thing that hit me the most was just how sad I felt about leaving. My whole time in Switzerland I had made fun of people who were desperate to be Swiss, and then I find that I am turning into one of them. I suppose I would feel that way about any place where I had spend such a wonderful year. I was hard to leave.

My flight was Dec 7, Wednesday morning Geneva time, and then I finally arrived in the Atlanta airport Wednesday night. Even though my flight had been delayed...a lot, my sister, my mom, and my best friend had still stuck it out to welcome me home! They had signs and flowers and their wonderful faces to greet me. After talking nonstop for a few minutes, marveling at the weight of my two carry-ons, and getting my checked bags, we headed out for CHICK-FIL-A. (I am sure some people assumed that would be my first stop).

So now I am back, sorting out what life looks like for my in Atlanta. We've decorated the tree, we have our annual families from middle school Christmas party this weekend. I start work on Monday. I am go to Colorado on Wednesday. It's all a big whirlwind, but amid all my freak outs, I find peace in God's presence. Seriously though, I haven't had a heart-attack in these past few days because of his grace and provision. If getting a job my second day back isn't evidence of His taking care of me, I don't know what is.

So, that's all for now. I am going to try to go back to sleep for a couple of hours (it's 6 am right now). This jet lag is rough.
Merry Christmas!