Rosh Hashanah
Today is the start of the Jewish New Year. Shanah Tova!!!
Fun fact: this is the earliest in the year Rosh Hashanah has fallen since 1899.
years ago I was in Jerusalem for this particular celebration and it is
always such a joy to remember my time there. I remember the blowing of
the Shofar and greeting everyone with “Shanah Tovah” (have a good year).
Rosh Hashanah is the start of the Jewish holiday season. Rosh Hashanah
is followed by Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah & Chanukah. Somehow
I ended up in that city for the new year, Atonement day, the festival
of tabernacles & the celebration of the Torah. Needless to say, I
had a lot of fun & learned a TON.
There is
a group of Jews who call themselves the “dancing jews” and drove a van
around Jerusalem during Simchat Torah. The van had a huge Torah on it
and they followed it around dancing throwing the torah up in the air…it
was really interesting.
I actually started thinking about all of this last week, and then today I got an email from my old employer, the woman who I au paired for. She was rejoicing in the same things I had been thinking about. What an amazing past 2 years it has been since we were preparing for our move to Jerusalem! Her husband was already there studying and awaiting our arrival.
Jerusalem meant so much to me. It was definitely the best time I have ever experienced in my relationship with Christ. It was a time of learning and of growth and of declaring my love to Him by being baptized. I also came in contact with some amazingly spiritually people and was often humbled to tears. I am often jealous of my time there.
Psalm 46:4-6
There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
the holy place where the Most High dwells.
5 God is within her, she will not fall;
God will help her at break of day.
6 Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall;
he lifts his voice, the earth melts.
This is the WesternWall on the night of Rosh Hashanah two years ago. I had no idea what was going on when I heard of all of the Shofar's blowing throughout the city. |
After I was baptized by Sam Fiore in Jerusalm |
I took out an excerpt from a previous blog post: “Living Without Limitations” for the rest of this post:
keep feeling like this is just a pause out of my "real" life. That I
will go back to Georgia, go back to school, go back to living with my
parents, go back to work, go back to my friends, basically go back to
the life I had before I left...and that was kind of a depressing
thought. I want to change. I want to grow. I didn't move to Switzerland
to stay the same person. And more importantly, God didn't send me to
another place with completely new people and experiences to not show me
something or use me in some way or teach me something.
So, I
know that, when all is said and done, when I go back home in December, I
will have changed...or I will have done something for the Kingdom.
Maybe I won't figure it out until I am sitting in class in Georgia, or
maybe I will never know. But I am sure that there is something for me,
or something for me to do here. Which is exciting. Also, know that you
are wherever you are for a reason.”
thing I have been struck by recently is how my life has been so
perfectly ordained. For instance, there is a possibility somewhere down
the road J & I would have had a time to become friends and decide to
get married; but if you take a good look at how our lives have gone, it
doesn’t seem likely.
just want to give a little timeline/reasoning for doing the things I
have done & J doing the things he has done to show how it must all
be some epic, pre-ordained plan:
Choice: J joined the army
Choice: I decided to be an Au Pair for family in Switzerland
No Control: J was stationed in Germany & deployed to Afghanistan Jan 2011
No Control: The family that I chose to work for decided to move to Jerusalem and take me with them Sept 2011
No Control: I had to fly back to America from Geneva before Dec 8th (I think), because of the ticket I bought & because all of my stuff was in Geneva
Choice: I gave a blanket invite to my friends in Jerusalem to come with me so they could experience Europe
No Control: Only one friend excepted…and it was a guy
No Control: J was back from war
Choice: Try and figure out how to not have a super awkward weekend w/ just me and this guy in Geneva. Find someone to invite.
No Control: See that random friend from college (J) is back from deployment and is stationed in Germany
Choice: Invite random guy friend (J) to Geneva for the weekend
Choice: J decides to come
No Control: Guy friend from Jerusalem did his own thing most of the weekend & left J and I with each other
No Control/Choice: J & I really hit it off
Choice: J goes home for Christmas break
Choice: J & I hang out most of his Christmas break & he asks me to marry him & I say YES!
if you look at the above list, there are TONS of circumstances that we
had no control over. If I had not been coming back from Jerusalem, I
would not have invited a friend and then wanted someone else around to
make it less awkward. If J hadn’t been stationed in Germany & gotten
back from deployment when he did, I wouldn’t have been able to invite
him. If I had a different day I needed to fly home, or my friend from
Jerusalem didn’t want to spend time on his own and left J & I
together all the time, we wouldn’t have had the opportunity to get to
know each other like we did.
most of all, if J wasn’t created by God the way he was, and if I wasn’t
made the way I am, neither of us would have been comfortable with
getting engaged after 9 days of dating. One or both of us would have
thought that was insane, and he would have gone back to Germany & I
would’ve stayed in America and we would’ve just chalked it up to a fun
Christmas break.
back to my original excerpt, I am not saying that the point of my going
to be an au pair was so I would end up married to J. There is SO much
that came out of that amazing year in my life. I never would’ve been
baptized in Jerusalem, I never would’ve become friends with amazing
people like the Fiores, the Trumpers, and off the young adults at
Crossroads & EBCG.
I’m just saying it was one obvious perk…
J came to visit me in Geneva the weekend I got back. This is the day I picked him up from the airport. Who knew what would come of a Swiss Christmas village and a Medieval castle?
Psalm 48:14For this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end.
I will praise the Lord for what he has done in my life. I will celebrate Him and glorify Him with my life. Thank you Christ for your grace. Thank you for your overwhelming blessings. Thank you for Jerusalem, for the New Year, for J, and Michelle, Sam, Mia, little Sam, Margot & Lydia. Thank you for revealing your love to me through such amazing people in my life.
I am exceptionally blessed.
Soli Deo Gloria