Thursday, August 25, 2011


So- that's the news.

I AM MOVING TO JERUSALEM! I am going with the Fiore's so Sam can go to seminary for a semester.

I will still be back in America on December 7- actually maybe earlier if Israel doesn't let me in ;)...but here's hoping that doesn't happen.

Sam is moving to Jerusalem tomorrow morning, so he can be at orientation Saturaday. The kids are going to go back to school on September 5, and then sometime after that Michelle, little Sam, Mia, Margot, Lydia, and I will be getting on a plane. I am not sure of the exact date yet, but definitely sometime in September.

I am REALLY excited. I love living in Geneva/Peillonnex and I will really miss all of the people I have met here- but since this city is such a transient place, some of my close friends have already it isn't sooo bad. Plus, I am just trying to stay over-excited about moving to get through any sadness/difficult work that is going to take place before the big move. Since Sam is leaving before us, that means it is just going to be me and Michelle tag-teaming the kids...which might get a little overwhelming for me, seeing as I am just used to having them from 9-7ish.

But, it's going to be awesome. And, seriously, how many people have this sort of opportunity in their lives? Ummm- not many. This job might be the best one I ever have.

Alright- it's been a long day, so I am going to get some sleep.

Have a great day!

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