I spend most of my free time reading or going to Jerusalem University and hanging out with the students there. I have gotten to explore more of East Jerusalem and experience the contrast between the Arab and Israeli side. It is crazy that there are such evident divides in the city without any actual boundary lines. You don't realize until after you cross the road that you are in another world- different language, different dress, different everything.
Last night I went to a Bible study. At one of the churches I went to, I met this really cool girl named Kimmie who kindly took my number and told me she would let me know when things were happening. So, I walked to Talpiot (about 45 minutes away) and spent a great evening with a group of people I'd never met before. I love when that happens- when you just luckily (or maybe we shouldn't call it luck) stumble on a group of fun people. There was laughing and dancing and guitar playing and singing. It was wonderful. I kept looking around at everyone wondering what there story was and where they were from. There was one Palestinian girl who lived in Ramallah and she was worried she might have trouble getting past the check point that night. (In case you didn't know, the residents of the West Bank have to get permission to come into West Jerusalem, and they are usually just allowed in for a day. And she won't be allowed back until the 23rd, so we are already planning a girls night. It's the oddest thing to think that someone isn't allowed to go where they want when they want. I have never realized how blessed I am to be American. Seriously, it's great. We can travel most anywhere without even applying for a visa. My eyes are really being opened to the situation in Israel. Praying for the peace of Jerusalem never seemed more necessary (read Psalm 122).
And, another crazy thing, I don't know if I ever mentioned this, but before we even thought about coming to Israel, this random girl got stranded in Geneva. Her father recognized Sam's name on a church website he looked up when trying to find someone to take in his daughter, so he got in contact with Sam and she came to stay with us. Her father is a minister in Jerusalem, and knows Sam's parents (who are missionaries in Milan). Also, he is the minister of the church Michelle went to when she lived in Jerusalem. So- that girl who stayed with us in Geneva, and who lives in Jerusalem, has a sister. I was at her sister's apartment. Crazy, eh? It is such a small world.
Alright more on the Israel-Palestine situation, making friends, life with four kids, and other stuff later. I'm going to watch some Gilmore Girls & go to bed.
Have a good night!
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