So, I'm prego; which you most likely know.
One of my best friends keeps everyone up to date on her pregnancy/daughter with her blog, so I feel like following suit. I don't want to be one of those people who blows up your FB page with images of my expanding belly or my adorable infant, so I will leave it to you to seek out that information on your own.
The Annual Christmas party, the day after I found out I was pregnant! |
My first trimester has been pretty awesome. I have felt pretty good, only one terrible night of puking. I wouldn't believe I were pregnant if I hadn't seen our little peanut wriggling around in there on the 9-week ultrasound. That was pretty unreal- the wriggling. It's crazy that there is something inside of me that I can't even feel. I am not really "showing" yet, just a little extra thick around the middle...and quite a bit larger other areas as well (*not suitable for mixed viewers). Other than the one night of puking my "symptoms" have been:
* muted emotions
* weird mouth-aching: only lasted a couple of days, but it felt like I had just had a vicious mouth cleaning
* epic tiredness
* less talkative: I haven't noticed this so much, but J says I have been much less chatty, which makes him believe I am having a boy
* different food desires: I don't really consider them cravings, because it isn't really intense, I just want things I don't usually want, and don't want things I always eat. For instance, :
- cereal: I NEVER used to want cereal, now it's like "mmmm, cold milk and crunchy deliciousness, SIGN ME UP!" And I am currently considering getting out in this ice and cold to buy myself a box of Reeses Puffs even though J told me he'd bring a box home with him.
- anything fried, except french fries: this girl generally loves her fried food, but I've been having dreams of fried mozzarella and fried chicken. Chicken biscuits were in danger of extinction by me before, but now I have to constantly deny myself (Jonathan helps- Chick Fil A adds up), but I think I've only had fries once since I was prego, and I didn't even finish them! What? When have I ever not finished french fries?
- childhood foods: I know I generally have a 12-year-old's pallet, but since I've been pregnant, it's been all mac & cheese, banana sandwiches, peanut butter sandwiches, doritos, etc
- mexican: my stomach doesn't turn at the idea of eating mexican, but I used to be all about some nachos, refried beans & quesadillas and now I just have no interest
- desserts: I've been generally lacking a sweet tooth during pregnancy, but sometimes I want something specific with a VENGEANCE. I nearly cried when I found out we didn't have a Longhorns in Fayetteville bc I wanted their chocolate cake so badly.
- smoothies: during my 6th or 7th week of pregnancy, I wanted fruit smoothies EVERY morning. I would wake up NEEDING one, sometimes I would even get up out of bed early and make one and then go back to bed before work. J lovingly bought me tons of frozen fruit and yogurt, but by the time he went back to the store for the next weeks stock-up, I was done with them. I haven't wanted one since.
- meat: no desire for meat, I eat it because it's filling, but I never really want it.
- wine: I know, "Kelly, you shouldn't drink wine while you are pregnant." Don't worry, apparently baby knows this as well, because most of my first trimester wine has tasted like vinegar...which is probably a good thing ;)
Feb 15, 2015- 12 weeks pregnant in the Shenandoah Valley! |
I think that's all for the update. I am going to be in Atlanta next week for Melissa's baby shower & birthday party, and when I get back I have my 14-week appointment! Lord willing, everything (and everyone) will be healthy & growing as it should. J and I would be honored by your prayers for baby's health, for our marriage, and for our future of parenthood.
Lots of Love from Fayetteville!