Monday, June 1, 2015

27 Weeks (as of May 31st)

I am 27 WEEKS! Baby Teddy is probably looking relatively human these days. He's almost 2 pounds and would most likely survive if he was born today! That's really nice to know. We have been blessed with all of the clothes we will probably need for the first 3 months of his life. A friend of J's from college had a super huge little boy who skipped all of his newborn wear, so she sent it all to us! And a good friend from church gave us some of her son's cute preppy wear. I can't wait to dress up Edward for church and outings and photo shoots ;)

Here is Scout chilling on my 27 week belly

When we got back from Hilton Head on Monday night, we picked up Scout from our friend's house and she seemed to have really missed us. That night she was having some issues and we were worried and I took her to the vet Tuesday morning. They said everything was fine, so we think it was just stress from being apart from us. As crazy as it may seem to all of your who know my feelings about pets, it really warms my heart that she loves us and missed us. Jonathan was jealous that she gave me more kisses ;) He is doing his best to be her favorite. Ha. We'll see.
Scout's first trip to the vet at 10 weeks. She is already 15 pounds! She already seems so much bigger than when we got her.

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