Thankfully, Michelle has been encouraging me and telling me that I am doing a good job because she would probably have lost her mind if she got in some of the situations I have gotten in...for instance: Monday I was meeting a girl at the train station to go to a Bible Study in Nyon. I find my way to the train station, no sweat. Try to park: CHAOS ENSUES. I found myself at one point, driving where the cable buses pull in, making about 10 wrong turns, and trying to drive down into the parking deck where the cars come out. I swear this is not all due to my idiocy, it was REALLY HORRIBLY MARKED and very confusing. I about cried. Plus, at this point I was late meeting my friend...praise the Lord, she waited for me.
All that to say, today was a GREAT day, because I drove to Nyon tonight instead of taking the train and I got there and back without any mistakes. I feel like I just conquered the world. Kelly Boswell: Conquering the world one correct map reading at a time!
Now, for the blog you have all been waiting for, an expose on toy figurines!
I realize this is truly dumb, but when I saw these dolls, I had this whole internal monologue about what they were wearing, and then I had a conversation with Michelle about I just couldn't resist.
1. Who is in the world picked out these outfits? Okay, for one, pink knit shirt with green, embroidered pants, mom? Really? And then to add that gaudy necklace? No, no one would do that.
2. Purple shoes dad? I don't get it?
3. Why is the black dad in better shape than the white dad?
4. Why do they have random detailing on the mens' shirts that are different, but they have the exact same colors for everything...except the random purple shoes and pink belt combo on buff black dad?
I just want to know who was designing the outfits for these dolls and thought to themselves, YES, THIS IS IT! Oh, wait, I need some fake embroider on the women, and you know what, all this matching is kind of bothering me, let's have the men have semi-different shirt patterns and different colored belts. That will MAKE it. I am at a loss.
So, other than my frustration with these dolls, life is going REALLY great. Seriously. I love life. Although, I can't see myself screaming over the internet that I hated it, but you can always read through the lines eh.
Look forward to much more interesting posts! I am going to the mountains with a group of other au pairs this weekend!
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