Hello all!
It's nearly the end of June & officially SUMMER in Switzerland/France. (It is quite annoying living on the border because I don't really know what to say in regards to where I live..it always requires a bit of explanation). If you still don't understand: I reside in a small mountain town in Peillonnex, France. I have a Swiss work permit because the family I work for has their official residence in Switzerland, at an apartment in Geneva (where I spend most of my weekends). So, I really have the best of both worlds.
I am currently sunburned, which I think is one of my favorite skin stages because it means I have been out in the sun a lot, which I LOVE. Get that from mom I think. I went hiking this past Saturday, so I am awkwardly burnt on the part of my leg that my leggings didn't cover, and one side of my face and neck. My nose is also bright red. But, yesterday I laid out by the Fiore's pool, and so my back is also sufficiently red. I swear I put on sunscreen- so don't think I am irresponsible. I just think my skin doesn't know how to be in the sun and not get burnt
I lost my camera on the hike, which is really annoying and frustrating and makes me feel all irresponsible. I was about 20 minutes down the mountain when I realized it, so I ran back up with a friend scoring the area, but alas, it was all for naught. I don't think it has really sunk in yet. I loved that camera. It's an old friend that I'll miss. Guess I know what I am going to ask for for Chistmas. :)
The children are as wonderful as ever. Margot has pretty much perfected sitting up, and Lydia has learned how to make a smacking sound with her lips and she does it all the time. It's adorable. In most recent & exciting news, Sam has started using the toilet! It's funny, he wants to call his friends and family to tell them when he goes "poopy on the potty." Oh kids. Mia will be finished with school this Friday, so hopefully family adventures will ensue next Monday! It'll be fun having her home, as it is we don't really get a lot of time with her.
Carolyn Stewart and Stephanie Lindgren should be stopping by my neck of the woods in the next two weeks & I can't wait to see them! I love showing people where I live and introducing them to the family I work for. I hope they will be able to make it! Plus, it is wonderful to see people from home. I miss home sometimes. Tonight one of my guy friends from Tennessee is having a party with Southern food b/c her family is in town (his mom's cooking). I can't wait for some good fried chicken! I know this is horrible, but one of the things I miss the most is American food. I am such a fatty in my heart.
In two weeks I am going to the Czech Republic!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!! It'll be fun to have a week away in a completely foreign country that I know so much, and yet so little, about. Also, I will hopefully be seeing some of my friends from Pine Forest Camp in Hradec Kralove while I am there.
I have most of August off, so I am still trying to sort out what I am going to do for my holiday plans. I might go visit Sarah in England, or Unterwegs in Tubingen, Germany, or relax at the Fiore's lake house in Italy. Who know?
Alright, I am on break right now & I really don't want to spend all of it outside. I love you! Miss you!
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