The title is a line from a song by Copeland...which I was listening to when I wrote this post.
There are a few books that I read to Sam & Mia that I actually enjoy. I like this one so much, that I want to share an excerpt with y'all
ONE is good for a quiet walk.
TWO is right for a quiet talk.
THREE is nice for having tea,
or for counting ONE, TWO, THREE.
And when you want to go explore, the number you should have is FOUR.
Last night we watched Sleeping Beauty. It was their first time watching it, and it is one of my favorites so I was really excited as well. Unfortunately, with a 3 and 4 year old, you have to fast forward through the parts with Malificent, but it is still worth it. (Especially when you know the end means bedtime). Most of you probably don't remember, but Aurora was 16 when she got married. 16. The times surely have changed.

It has been kind of rainy and peaceful the past few days. Sunday night (it's Tuesday now), I was really sick, so the rainy Monday was a gift from God. I just spend the morning with the babies and me and Margot had a little nap together cuddled up on the couch. I love moments like that- moments you know will turn into a warm memory; and, years from now, I will remember sitting on that sofa with a sleeping baby warm in my arms, falling in and out of consciousness. That's the good stuff. (If you are into country music, I assume that song is not playing in you head, as it is in mine.)

I feel like a lot is coming up. Mia has two weeks left of school. Carolyn Stewart and Stephanie Lindgren should be passing through Geneva at the end of the month. I am going to the Czech Republic for a week in January. Michelle's parents are coming in August, at which time I am planning a LOOOOONG hike from Chamonix (the Mont Blanc) to Zermatt (The Matterhorn). It should take about 12-14 days. Yikes. My sister might be coming to visit in September!! And meanwhile, life just goes on and on. Everyone I love back in the states is getting married and working at their adult jobs and finishing school and starting new lives and having a whole year without me; and here I am meeting new people, hanging out with kids, learning French, traveling Europe, and basically enjoying this odd year of my life immensely.
Mmkay, it's about the end of my break time, so I'll have to say goodbye. Have a wonderful day!
"All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."
Psalm 139:16
the babies are so big!!!!!!!!! wow they grow so fast. miss you.