Thursday, January 21, 2010


"Excuse my mistakes, realize my limitations. Life is not easy as we know it on the earth." E.M. Forster

One of the most disheartening things in this life is the inability to overcome human nature. Everyday I am struck by my own desire. Everyday I succumb to one thing or another that is depraved and foul. What is worse than my weakness in overcoming my own sin is the fact that I WANT to do this. I premeditate gratifying my sinful nature. And it is disgusting.

What is it that separates me from murderers and perverts? Not a whole lot I should say. So, my desires are not as life-altering, not socially unacceptable or illegal...but it all comes from the same root. If I do not stop it now, if I do not confront and overcome my own lack of self-control, where will I end up?

"Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will rise. Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light."
Micah 7:8-9

I do things everyday that I am not proud of. There are things that I do and think that even I am ashamed to remember in the morning. I can say with full confidence that we are a depraved race, unable not to sin. I am weak. I am impure. I can't do anything to change what I have do or what I will do. I am just thankful that that is not the end.

"Have mercy on my, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin." Psalm 51:1-2

"The only sin you have to worry about is unconfessed sin"

Here I am
All of me
I cannot hide anymore
I will not hide anymore

It's on the table
All of my dirt, for you to see
Here are my mistakes and sins.
Some of them were in the moment
Some of them were thought through
Everyone is a weight on my heart.
All of them are convicting me.

Please don't judge me
No more condemnation
Not from you
My best friend

The only reason I say this
The only way I can share

Now you know
Now I feel freedom
True freedom

Thank you Lord
Thank you for your compassion
For blotting out my transgressions
I was dirty
You, Lord, have cleansed me
You forgot it
But I remembered
I had to confess
To say it out loud,
To trust in this friend.
Now this is redemption.

Soli Deo Gloria

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

why were postmen in victorian england called robins?

I want to give something to the world that isn't bitter or sad. I should be a light. I want to be encouraging and inspiring. I want to encourage real living and love because what are we if we are not ALIVE? I mean, my purpose is not just to serve God, but to enjoy Him, and whatever faith you are, you want to enjoy life. So, what must I do? (to quote Frodo) How can I make it so my life is not a burden, but a blessing in this imperfect time?...just something I was thinking about.

This is the time to be thankful
This is the time to look around you and smile
Now there should be no self pity
Or anger
Or guilt

Smell the air
Take it all in
This is life: sadness and glory
This is what you get;
Dew on the grass and the promise of morning

It is not going to be perfect
But it is right, just right.

You do not deserve anything
But you are worth it all.
Self doubt, malice, envy - it's not acceptable
Take what is in front of you
Take this moment
Soli Deo Gloria

Today I was driving in my car and I couldn't stop smiling. Something about the weather filled me with inexpressible joy. I want to be sunlight. I want to be joy. God, I pray, put joy overflowing in my cup that I can shower it on others.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Life's Rough Sea

Give me a spirit that on this life's rough sea, loves to have his sails filled with lusty wind, even till his sail-yards tremble, his mast crack, and his rapt ship run on her side so low that she drinks water, and her keel ploughs air.
-George Chapman

For Time is of the essence in this forsaken place.
Words go only so far to promote the life of grace.
Sail out into the ocean on this, your hidden boat.
Only paper will remember the feelings that you wrote.
Soli Deo Gloria